<%@ page import="java.util.Iterator, java.util.Collection, java.util.Vector" %> <%@ page import="ysl.util.Log" %> <%@ page import="ysl.util.Utils, ysl.util.Log, ysl.util.Term, ysl.util.StaticData" %> <%@ page import="ysl.buslog.competitions.Division, ysl.buslog.orgs.Club" %> <%@ page import="ysl.buslog.users.UserRole, ysl.buslog.users.User, ysl.buslog.users.Role" %> <%@ page import="ysl.buslog.sched.ScheduleInfo" %> <%@ include file="TestSessionFragment.jsp" %> <% League league = (League)entity; session.setAttribute("currentLeague",league); String venueStr = Term.getTerm(Term.VENUE, league); String officialStr = Term.getTerm(Term.OFFICIAL, league); String official1Str = Term.getTerm(Term.OFFICIAL1, league); String official2Str = Term.getTerm(Term.OFFICIAL2, league); String official3Str = Term.getTerm(Term.OFFICIAL3, league); String scoreStr = Term.getTerm(Term.SCORE, league); String yslURL = "www." + Term.getTerm(Term.SITE_TITLE, league) + "/ViewLeague.jsp?leagueId=" + league.getId(); int offAssignMethod = league.getOfficialAssignMethod(); boolean [] unusedFlights = {false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true}; int [] flightsInOrder = {7,8,9,10,6,5,4,3,2,1,11}; int [] flights = league.getFlights(); String pageTitle = "Modify League Settings"; %> <%@ include file="header.jsp" %>
League Settings
<%= league.getLeagueName() %>
<%@ include file="ShowStatusMessageFragment.jsp" %>
<% if (league.getType() != League.RESTRICTED) { %> <% } %>
League ID # <%= league.getId() %>
Direct URL for your league: <%= yslURL %>
Abbreviation: ">   25 characters maximum
Team Name Prefix: ">   This will be displayed in front of each team's name - 20 characters maximum
Web Page URL: ">
  This needs to be a complete URL, like "http://www.YourSportsLeague.com"
Hide Contact Info: " : ">") %>   Hide phone numbers and email addresses from visitors to your league's pages
  Information should be entered in HTML format. For example, enter <br> to force a new line.
League Information:

Use Traveling League Scheduler: "); else out.print(">"); %>    
Allow edit of unpublished games: " : ">") %>
Use play characteristics: " : ">") %> Gender     " : ">") %> Age     " : ">") %> Play Class     
<%= Term.capitalizeTerm(scoreStr) %>s Awarded when
Opposing Team Forfeits:
If this is zero <%= Term.pluralizeTerm(scoreStr) %>, forfeits are treated as scoreless ties in standings calculations
Double Forfeit Period (in days):
Teams will be notified daily that game reports are due
Enter 0 for no automatic double forfeit

<% int i, f, s; for (i = 0; i < flights.length; i++) { f = flights[i]; unusedFlights[f] = false; out.println(""); for (s = 1; s < 12; s++) out.println(""); out.println(""); } for (i = 0; i < flightsInOrder.length; i++) { f = flightsInOrder[i]; if (unusedFlights[f]) { out.println(""); for (s = 1; s < 12; s++) out.println(""); out.println(""); } } %>
Order of Listing Flights
Flight 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th    not used
" + StaticData.getString(StaticData.FLIGHT_TYPES, f) + "    
" + StaticData.getString(StaticData.FLIGHT_TYPES, f) + "    

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